Dashboards for every role

Find insights, take action

Our dashboards provide easy access to critical HR data including teacher licensure, staff attendance, and evaluations, allowing district and school leaders to easily track upcoming deadlines and deliverables.

HR Director

HR directors get access to essential data to stay one step ahead of important deadlines. Review progress and address challenges across schools in teacher licensure, staff attendance, evaluations, and more.

Most relevant dashboards for HR directors:

Teacher Licensure

Teacher Licensure

Monitor teacher licenses and certifications including which licenses each teacher holds, when licenses will expire, and how student schedules could be impacted.

Staff Insight

Staff Insights

Brings together data from several sources to provide a holistic view of your staff, including demographics, course load, attendance, licensure, and evaluation.

Position Control

Position Control

Easily add or remove positions, track vacancies, and see the financial impact of filling positions during the year.


Intuitive Design
Intuitive Design

Working with data should be fun. Our dashboards aren’t just functional, they’re beautiful and intuitive.

Realtime Insights
Realtime Insight

Your dashboard data refreshes every 24 hours. No more waiting for weekly or monthly reports.

Robust Permissions
Robust Permissions

Customize data access for each account to ensure users only view data for their school or department.

Integrated Data
Integrated Data

Our dashboards bring together data across domains, so you can see how student, HR, and financial trends intersect.

Filter, Slice, and Export
Filter, Slice, and Export

Interactive features allow you to filter your data by demographic group, slice by school, and select date ranges. Export custom reports from your dashboards for printing or follow-up action.

Custom Built
Custom Built

Choose from our menu of best-in-class dashboards or request a fully custom project. We would love to innovate with you.

Our HR plan

Comprehensive dashboard plan

Our HR dashboard plan includes five essential dashboards to help district and school leaders effectively manage their staff. Within our secure Partner Portal, users can view their dashboard menu, click through dashboards, export data, and more.

HR Plan

Comprehensive HR tools tailored to fit your needs.


HR Plan Daily Staff Trends
HR Plan Staff Evaluation Tracker
HR Plan Staff Insights
HR Plan Staff Attendance
HR Plan Teacher Licensure

Recommended Add-ons

The following optional add-ons expand the functionality of our standard plans.

Position control

Position Control

OA's Position Control tool can help HR managers move away from cumbersome spreadsheets to a secure, interactive database. Easily add or remove positions, track vacancies, and see the financial impact of filling positions during the year.

Position Control
Data Warehouse
Data Warehouse

Data Warehouse

Data exploration tool for browsing and analyzing cleaned and transformed data all in one place. Made for data analysts who want to perform in-depth analysis.

Data Warehouse

Integrated data

OA connects to 40+

We do all the heavy lifting to collect, clean, and organize your data, so there is virtually no set up work on your end. Some of the many systems we support are shown below.

Munis TeachPoint TeachPoint PowerSchool Follet Aspen SIS TeachPoint TeachPoint

Bring your work together

Our HR dashboards

Our dashboards refresh nightly and can be tailored to fit your unique needs.

Daily Staff Trends

Daily Staff Trends

Displays actionable staffing data from the last 10 school days across staff attendance, licensure, and evaluations.

Staff Evaluation Tracker

Staff Evaluation Tracker

Displays critical evaluation data including observations and plan types, allowing school and leaders to monitor progress towards evaluation deadlines.

Staff Insights

Staff Insights

Brings together data from several sources to provide a holistic view of your staff, including demographics, course load, attendance, licensure, and evaluation.

Staff Attendance

Staff Attendance

Displays teacher, paraprofessional, and other staff attendance rates, attendance hot spots, and comparison to prior years.

Teacher Licensure

Teacher Licensure

Monitor teacher licenses and certifications including which licenses each teacher holds, when licenses will expire, and how student schedules could be impacted.

Who we are

Open Architects (OA) provides custom-built visualization tools to give public service leaders the information they need to make data-informed decisions. Our tools seamlessly collect, combine, analyze, and present data from disparate sources. Staffed by former practitioners, OA creates the tools we wish we had when we worked in public service roles.

Who we are

Next steps

Get started

Fill out our contact form and we will reach out to you to schedule a needs assessment call where we can learn more about your organization and how we can help.

Get started step one

Fill out our contact form

Get started step two

We schedule a call with your team to discuss your data needs

Get started step three

We decide how best we can help and start our partnership